Mother’s Day and Bittersweet Memories…

Motherhood is bittersweet. I recently came across a photo of my oldest from when he was about three years old. When he was feeling mischievous, his bottom lip would slide to the side and curl up over the corner of his mouth. He started making that expression when he was just a little baby, before he could even talk. He was adorable smiling back at me from this photo. I wanted to scoop him up, tickle him until he squealed, and nuzzle his little cheek. My sweet baby.

When did I last see him make that face? A year ago? Three? Maybe more… I’m so grateful to have that expression in print. The years go by so fast. I miss my chubby baby boy with his big words and mischievous grin. I wish I could have one more day with that precocious sweetheart. I also wish I could have a day with my tweeny kid, who was obsessed with Minecraft and dragons. And yet, I am also crazy about this smart, adult-sized teen, growing taller than me by the day and telling me his dreams of attending MIT. Raising kids is bittersweet, isn’t it?

Portraits of my oldest, through the years. Newborn portrait by Lori Nordstrom Studio, 2009.

We had been overdue for family portraits for a couple of years. I kept intending to get outfits picked out and schedule some time in the studio. But life gets busy. Dinners need made. Dishes need washing. Activities are endless. I said to myself so many times “I’ll do it next month.”

But a month turned into three years all too quickly. Now, two of the three kids wear a bigger shoe size than I do! How did that happen so fast? I knew the time was now.

We just had our family portrait session last week. The boys were so excited we dressed in their preferred style— all black and matching Converse high tops. While getting their portraits taken isn’t in their top 10 things to do, gearing it towards who they are now made it fun for them. The portrait is so us. I’m excited to see it framed and hanging on our wall!

Our family portrait session with Josh Petersen, 2024.

Hard to believe it’s already April, but spring is here and Mother’s Day is right around the corner. To celebrate, I’m inviting moms and their children into the studio for a special Motherhood Session this April and May. Take a few hours out of this wild ride of parenting, working, cleaning and taxi driving to slow down with your kid(s) and create something special that you will love seeing in your home every day. And I can promise you’ll love it even more ten years down the road!

Motherhood Portraits by The Photician

So whether you’re expecting soon, wrapped up in the sleepless nights raising a toddler, or enjoying a visit from your adult kid home from college— you’re invited. (Of course, partners are welcome to join too). Each Motherhood Session includes a special gift from me to you. Happy Mother’s Day!

Click here to learn more about booking your Motherhood Session this spring.


The Photician: Portraits & Fine Art

Adel, Iowa
 | 515.512.2939


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